Inducted into the Massachusetts BroadcastersHall of Fame
atMassasoit Community College
The FirstMassachusetts Broadcasters Hall of Fame induction took place at a dinner atChristo's Resteraunt,
in Brockton, Massachusetts on May 5th,2007.
Following this official induction, Rex participated in the '18th annual Radio/TV Classics Live!'show at the Buckley Performing Arts Centeron the campus of Massasoit Community College. Rex Trailerwas inducted along with Boston's radio
longtime comic genius,Jess Cainand the comedy team
ofBob and Ray.Bob Elliotwas unable to make it due to illness, and the late Ray Gouldingwas represented by his son,Tom.
The evening brought us back into the past. We saw invited radio and tv guest stars join this
cast to participate in a live,old time radio broadcast.
At the Buckley
Performing Arts
publicly, his
induction into
The Massachusetts
Hall of Fameat Massasoit
CollegeMay 5,
Presenting the
awards this
evening is Mr. Arthur Singer, Presidentof the Massachusetts
Hall of Fameat Massasoit
Jess Cainis
inducted as well.
Rextold a few
quick but funny
stories from
the Boomtown
The crowd
loved him!
Doing live radio
a new challenge. Jess Cainand Barry Nolan crack-up when
Rex finally realizes
that he's missed
his line and says
"I guess I should
turn the page!"